Sunday, July 31, 2011

Being Jewish In The 21st Century- Clickview

The Torah

The Torah:
-          Torah means ‘teaching’ and refers to the five main books of Moses- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
-          A torah scroll is made from sheets of parchment, which is made from the skin of a kosher animal
-          It is written by hand in Hebrew by a professional scribe called a sofer. It is read right to left.
-          It takes one year at least to do this
-          He is not allowed to write from memory. He must copy from a book of the Torah, and keep checking for mistakes. Letters must not be smudged or touch another letter.
-          If the sofer makes a mistake, he scrapes of the letters using a glass tool
-          The most sacred word that he writes is the Hebrew name for God. He can’t correct this- he has to start again. The sheet with the mistake is buried in a Jewish cemetery
-          When finished, the sheets of parchment are sewn together and wound around wooden rollers.
-          The Torah is regarded as holy and is decorated as beautifully as possible

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Jewish Facts

  1. What language do the Jewish people speak?
They speak Hebrew.
  1. How do the Jewish people read Hebrew?
They read it right to left.
  1. Why is Israel important to the Jewish People?
Because it is the “promise land” given to Abraham from God in the Old Testament.
  1. When was the present state of Israel formed?
In 1948, it declared independence.
  1. What makes it unique in the world?
It was given the Jews as a nation, and piece of land. No colonisation or indigenous people. It is the only Jewish state, surrounded by Arabic nations.
  1. Who is the chosen prophet of Judaism?
  1. What do the Jews believe God thinks of their people?
They believe that they are the ‘chosen people’ who have a special covenant with God.
  1. How do the three main religions differ in their view of Jesus?
The Jews believe that Jesus was a wise man and important prophet but not a Messiah. Islam also believes he was a messenger of God, but that he was not crucified. He, however, is treated with respect. Christians believe Jesus was God’s son and the Messiah sent to redeem humanity.
  1. Why do the Jewish people not celebrate Christmas?
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus and how he was to save humanity as God’s son- the Jews do not believe he is the Messiah.
  1. What festival do they celebrate instead?
They celebrate Hanukkah
11.  What event is celebrated at this festival and what is the significance of the number 8?
It commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. It observes the kindling of the lights of a candelabrum, the nine branched Menorah with one candle lit every night. The number eight symbolizes new beginnings and is significant as it was the eighth day was the first day after creation and when the week begun.
12.  What is the name of the sacred text of the Jewish people?
The Torah
  1. How is their text similar to the Christian Bible?
It is similar as their Torah mimics the Old Testament.
  1. How many commandments do the Jewish people have to follow?
  1. What is the name of the leader of a Jewish religion?
  1. What is a Talis?
The Jewish ‘prayer shawl’
17.  What is a Tefilin?
A small leather prayer book bound to the head and arm during prayer.
  1. What is a Kippah?
It is a Jewish ‘skull cap’ worn by males for prayer and special occasions.
  1. What is the word used to describe the food Jewish people can eat?
  1. Where is the only Kosher McDonalds?
Buenos Aires
  1. Why is a Cheese burger not Kosher?
It combines ground beef and cheese (dairy)- which are prohibited

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Core Beliefs (Judaism)

1)      The term being Jewish can be used to describe a race and a culture rather than a religion, so some who identify themselves as Jewish may have little interest in the beliefs and practices associated with the religion of Judaism
2)      The Jews believe in the teaching of the Jewish bible, The Torah. It is the Old Testament of the Christian bible; there is no second/New Testament or New Bible for the Jews
a.      Why?
The Jews do not believe in Jesus as the son of God, or the Messiah. They believe he was a wise man or prophet, but not the saviour.
b.      What are the first five books of the Torah?
1.       Genesis
2.       Exodus
3.       Leviticus
4.       Numbers
5.       Deuteronomy
3)      In Jewish Law, there are 613 commandments found in the Torah (Written Law). The Talmud (oral law) commentary of ancient rabbi’s that elaborate on how t apply God’s law in everyday life through:
a.      Dietary rules
b.      Dress and other symbols
c.       Prayer and devotion to God
d.      The Temple and Temple rites
e.      Observance of Holy Days
f.        Proper social relations between male and female, in business, judicial ruling etc.
4)      13 main beliefs:
a.      God exists
b.      There is one God
c.       God is eternal
d.      Prayer is to God exclusively
e.       The prophets spoke truth
f.        Moses was the greatest prophet
g.      The written and oral Torah was given to Moses
h.      There will be no other Torah
i.         God will reward the good and punish the bad
j.        The Messiah will come
k.       The dead will be resurrected
5)      The heart of Judaism is in the home and family, social responsibility and doing Mitzvoth (“good deeds” based on God’s commandments). Through education and hard work we make our lives, the lives of others, and the world what God intended it to be- Holy.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Simpsons: Bible Episode (Old Testament)

1.       Note each story
Genesis: The story of Creation: the story of original sin
Exodus: The story of the Jews being led to freedom
Samuel: King David and Goliath
Revelations: The Apocalypse, we are all judged by God
2.        Main characters
Genesis: Adam, Eve, God, Snake
Exodus: Israelites, Moses (most important prophet in O.T.), Ancient Egyptians
Samuel: Goliath, King David
Revelations: God, Satan
3.       What happened
Genesis: Adam and Eve were the first humans; Eve and Adam were tempted by the snake to taste the forbidden fruit. They were banished from the Garden of Eden, and started the human species
Exodus: The Israelites are enslaved in Egypt, and Moses asks the Pharaoh to let his people be set free. He refuses and God sends the Egyptians 7 plagues (which don’t work). The Egyptians plan to capture them, but they go through the ocean and escape.
Samuel:  After wandering the desert, the Jews have built a nation. The Jews wanted a king- King David comes along.
Revelations: In the apocalypse, we will all be judged and sorted into either heaven, purgatory or hell according to how we have lived our life and whether or not we sin.
4.       Where it appears in the bible
Genesis: First book of the Old Testament
Exodus: Second book of the bible in the Old Testament
Samuel: In the Old Testament
Revelations: Last Book in the bible, New Testament
5.       Why is it important
Genesis: It is important because it shows creation, how humans were first tempted into sin and since all humans have been born a sinner.
Exodus: The Jews are lead from slavery, and lead them to the ‘Promise Land’; it ties into Abraham’s covenant
Samuel: The Star of David is an important Jewish symbol
Revelations: The Judgement Day, end of the world, every human is judged and sorted

Sunday, July 17, 2011


-          Judaism is one of the three Prophetic Monotheistic religions in the world- the other two are Christianity and Islam
-          It is prophetic as there were numerous prophets who predicted the coming of a messiah, Monotheistic as they believe in one god (mono) and it theology (belief/study of God)
-          Jews are an ancient people of around 3000 years old, their history is told in the bible and is traced back to Abraham of around 1900 BC (before common era/BCE)
-          The Jews have been known as Jews, Israelites and Hebrews. Jesus was a Jew, however, Jews accept Jesus as a wise man, but not the chosen messiah as Christians believe, and hence Judaism predates and heavily influences Christianity, but is not part of it.
-          Abraham is one of the first recorded leaders of the Hebrews in the Bible. He was a wealthy man who was called by God to leave his land and move from Ur to Canaan, or Israel as it called today.
-          Abraham heard the call of the Lord to stop believing in the pagan Gods (like God of wind, God of mountain etc.) and he followed God’s request and lead his people Mesopotamia to Canaan. This journey is recorded in the book of Genesis. We can map his journey here:

Day 1: Day/Night
Day 2: Waters/Earth
Day 3: Plants
Day 4: Light/Dark
Day 5: Fish/Birds/Animals
Day 6: Man
Day 7: Relax
1.       Who is Abraham?
According to Jewish tradition, ‘Abram’ was in Ur, Babylonia 1800 BCE. From a young age, he questioned the beliefs of his people and sought to discover the truth about religion.
2.       What did he believe? How was it different to the people of the time?
He believed that the entire universe was the work of one God and that there was only one God. The people at the time believed there were many Gods that represented places and objects e.g. The God of Water.
3.       What do you think a covenant is, what covenant did God make with Abraham?
A covenant is a pledge, pact, contract and/or agreement, and God made one with Abraham if his people who hearken to God: to make him the father of a great nation and the father of may others, to curse and bless those who did so to him and to give land to his descendants (Israel)
4.       What sacrifice was Abraham requested to make? Why did God ask this of him?
He was asked to sacrifice his son, God asked this so he could test his loyalty to him.
5.       Search the site for the word Patriarchs? What does this mean?...

The Patriarchs are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who are the spiritual and physical founders of Judaism and their descendants are the Jewish people. A patriarch is man or father who rules a family, clan or nation.