Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Gender Equality

Who it affects:
This issue effects women in general; but more so women in third world countries where women are not able to participate in the same things as men.
A summary of the background of the issue and Definition:
Gender Equality refers to the equal value of men and women and their contribution to society. It allows each gender to overcome prejudice and have fair opportunities in life. Approximately 70% of the world’s poor people are female.
In Third world countries, women are treated poorly in terms of education, health, or legal rights.
In the past more so, but it still occurs in undeveloped countries where women are often paid less than men, forced to marry, not given the same education opportunities (which restricts their ability to make a living), forced to work as a slave or sexually abused.

Details about the issue/ why the situation occurs:
The physical qualities and historical responsibilities of men and women (ex. hunters and gatherers) attribute to why there is inequality between genders.
In many countries women aren’t given or able to gain any power in the government which makes it difficult.
Gender inequality in education and health can also be explained to an extent through their religious preference and culture, country and location, and civil freedom and rights.

What can be done about the issue (who is currently doing something?):
  • International Women's Day, 8 March, highlights the access to equal rights and their participation in the political and economic issues of the world.
  • International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 25 November, draws attention to the issue of violence against women and encourages actions against it. 
  • The United Nations Millennium Development Goals  is to promote Gender Equality
    and empower women. This is to be achieved by no later than 2015.
  • The Australian Agency for International development is working with other countries to address gender inequality.
These agencies are working towards the common goals of:

  • Economic independence for women
  • Support so women can balance work and family across the life cycle,
  • Freedom from discrimination, harassment and violence.
  • Access to equal rights, choices and opportunites as men.

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